TITLE:The Brave Boy And The Vampire Once there was a vampire who lived in a old haunted house.Every night people went missing because of the vampire.One night some teens went in.They heard a creak.Some were scared but one was not.His name was Beau.Some people dared him to go in and he did so they came across a coffin.Beau opened it and there he was the vampire!As soon as they saw him they ran as fast as they could.He was not awake until Gavin stubbed his toe and.Awoke by then some people escaped.Some were escaping just as the vampire turned into a bat and flew after them.Everybody was out except Gavin.His toe hurt but Beau went back for his friend and carried him out.It was now sunrise and the friends had a plan.They pretended to safe and the vampire flew out and burned.No one went in there ever since.